Check out what’s happening with the 2022 Birdathon teams and other Celebrate Birds events. And don’t forget to donate to support your favorite team.
Thank you Wild Birds Unlimited for sponsoring the Birdathon!
With eleven Celebrate Birds events and over 100 volunteer leader hours, we shared the excitement of the spring migration with over 120 participants. Birdathon competition results of 13 teams will be posted soon wrapping up another fantastic year. Thank you to everyone who made this year a success; we`ve raised over $18,000 thus far!
#wildbirdsunlimited #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #loudounwildlife #ashburnva
A beautiful sunrise greeted people for the Celebrate Birds Big Sit at Morven Park. Participants saw 63 species of birds throughout this 10-hour event, where participants stopped in for varying lengths of time. A big shout out to Loudoun Wildlife Volunteers, Bryan Henson and Allison Gallo, for braving the soaring temperatures to lead this program.
#loudounwildlife #loudounwildlifeconservancy #morvenpark #lwc #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #celebratebirds #bigsit #birdingisfun #ebird #sunrise #sunriseoverfields #sunriseonthefarm #loudoun #loudounva #visitloudoun #loveloudoun #loudouncounty #loudouncountyva
We want to thank Watermark Woods - Native Plants for supporting our #LWCBirdathon!
All of our Birdathon teams have gone out to observe birds, but you can still donate to support them here:
We want to thank all of our Birdathon teams and donors for making this year`s Birdathon and Celebrate Birds walks a success!
#LWCbirdathon2022 #watermarkwoodsnativeplants #LWCbirdathon #loudounwildlife
Thank you Catoctin Creek Distilling for sponsoring our Spring Birdathon!
The Big Sit is today at our Morven Park Gatehouse location from 6:30 am - 4:00 pm.
Stop by to meet our Bird Program volunteers and watch birds.
#catoctincreek #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #leesburgvirginia #morvenpark #loudounwildlife
The Larkolinks Birdathon Team was thrilled to see both Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlarks, their namesake birds, early on their fist walk.
The team saw 72 birds in 48 hours. Phillips Farm and the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship were among the places they visited.
Thank you Larkolinks Team Members Zoe Sowers, Debra Gutenson, Laureen Megan, Dolores Goodson, Nancy Noerpel and Sally Brenton - Congratulations on seeing your highest number of birds this year!
Bird photos taken at different times and locations
Bobolink photo by Laura McGranaghan
Eastern Meadowlark photo by Michael Sciortino
#loudounwildlife #loudounwildlifeconservancy #lwc #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #bobolink #eaternmeadowlark #meadowlark #ebird #birdingisfun #celebratebirds #loudoun #loudounva #birdsofloudoun #birdsofloudouncounty
The Fully-palmated Birders Birdathon Team recorded 120 species after visiting 10 locations and hiking close to 19 miles throughout Loudoun County in search of birds.
At Middlesex Drive Pond, the team scored a Greater Yellowlegs, their only sighting of this shorebird species.
Thank you Christine Boeckel, Michael Myers, Michael Sciortino and Mike Scott for raising money and awareness about Loudoun Wildlife by participating in the 2022 Birdathon.
Group photo by Michael Sciortino
Greater Yellowlegs photo by Michael Myers
#loudounwildlife #loudounwildlifeconservancy #lwc #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #greateryellowlegs #birdingisfun #celebratebirds #loudoun #loudounva #birdsofloudoun #birdsofloudouncounty
The sounds of a Virginia Rail delighted birders at the Bles Park Celebrate Birds Walk last Sunday!
Many thanks to Karen Pinckard for sharing a photo she took of this uncommon and elusive bird at Bles Park three days before the walk.
#loudounwildlife #loudounwildlifeconservancy #lwc #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #blespark #celebratebirds #virginiarail #ralluslimicola #ebird #birdphotography #birdingisfun #lifebird #loudoun #loudounva #loudouncounty #loudouncountyva #birdsofloudoun #birdsofloudouncounty
The Fearsome Fledglings had a fantastic first Birdathon!
Aside from Sarah Kabealo (the handy chaperone, chauffeur and snack provider), the team’s average age was about six years old. Sarah says she is so proud of the kids (Henry Kabealo, Eloise and Madeline Coddington, and Elle Koh) who spent a whole weekend learning about birds for a really great cause! Together, the team identified 39 species of birds and, so far, raised almost $600 to support Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy. Go, Fledglings!
Many thanks to the Fearsome Fledglings for participating and we are excited to hear you had a good time.
The Birdathon ends on May 22 so it is not too late to show your support for this team by making a donation using the link in our bio.
#loudounwildlife #loudounwildlifeconservancy #lwc #lwcbirdathon #lwcbirdathon2022 #birdingisfun #birdingisfundamental #birdingkids #kidsbirding #getoutside #loudoun #loudounva #kidsofloudoun
Reports from the Field: Team Summaries
Timing is Everything for Snap Grackle Pop!
Snap Grackle Pop (Linda Colucci, Karenna Awtry and Adara Ricciuti) started the first day of their Birdathon down one teammate. Karenna and Linda felt the pressure to get a good start especially since this was the team’s first Birdathon ever. Read More…
Flying Kites Find Barred Owls and Much More During First Birdathon
The Flying Kites’ first Birdathon was a success. Abigail (9), Rua (7), Sadie (5) and Henry (2) joined their parents Kiersten and Eric Anderson on a memorable two-day blitz that ended with 91 species seen or heard by the group. Read More…
Gone Pishing’s Total of 121 Species Doesn’t Include Swainson’s Thrush
Gone Pishing (Bryan Henson, Allison Gallo and Jane Yocom) thought they might have to do a modified Birdathon this year due to injury, but by May 14 at 6:00 am all were as fit as a fiddle and ready to bird. Read More…
Jay Fever Finishes First Birdathon Exhausted but Content
Jay Fever (Adam, Ella, and Zach Stevenson and Nancy Reaves) started out on Friday, May 13 at 6:00 am. We began birding at Nancy Reave’s property off of Purcellville Road. Read more…
Fully-palmated Birders Find 120 Species in Loudoun County Birdathon
The Fully-palmated Birders (FPB, for short) were at it again on Saturday, April 30 when we began our Birdathon. The team is comprised of Christine Boeckel, Michael Myers, Michael Sciortino and Mike Scott. Overall, FPB recorded 120 species after visiting 10 different locations throughout the county. Read More…
Fearsome Fledglings Have a Fantastic First Birdathon
When the Fearsome Fledglings signed up for this year’s Birdathon, we really weren’t sure what we were getting into. None of us had ever entered a Birdathon before, and aside from Sarah Kabealo (the handy chaperone, chauffeur and snack provider), the team’s average age was about six years old. Read More…
Larkolinks Find Namesake Birds During Their Best Birdathon
The Larkolinks team started their Birdathon on May 9, birding the areas near the homes of the team members (Zoe Sowers, Debra Gutenson, Laureen Megan, Dolores Goodson, Nancy Noerpel and Sally Brenton). We were thrilled to see both Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlarks, our namesake birds, early on our first walk. Read More…
Spring Rains Make for Challenging Birding for Shrike Force
Two to four inches of rain, depending on where you were in Loudoun on May 6 and 7, made for a very challenging Birdathon for Shrike Force (Joe Coleman, Mary Ann Good, and Laura and Liam McGranaghan). Read More…
Ligi Nestlings Still Going Strong in 14th Birdathon
When the Ligi Nestlings completed their first Birdathon in 2009, McKenzie was only two years. Spring Ligi never envisioned they would still be going strong 14 years later. Addison and Catherine were added to the team over the years, and dad was included for crowd control. Read More…
Bad Weather Doesn’t Deter the Whisky Drinking Warbler Watchers
The Whisky Drinking Warbler Watchers (Scott Harris, Peter Lyttle, Robert Justin, Linda Millington and Tysen Perszyk) picked out a 48 hour period in early May with goal of seeing 100 species of birds. Our luck turned for the worse when we saw the forecast for the weekend. Read More…