The Amphibians of JK Black Oak
Volume 26 Issue 4, Fall 2021 by Jenny Erickson Amphibians, consisting in our area of frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts,...
Volume 26 Issue 4, Fall 2021 by Jenny Erickson Amphibians, consisting in our area of frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts,...
Frogs and toads are a vital part of our ecosystem and are considered an indicator species. Fluctuations in their populations...
USGS Study Confirms U.S. Amphibian Populations Declining at Precipitous Rates Posted: 22 May 2013 01:59 PM PDT CORVALLIS, Ore. —...
Attention Homeschoolers, teachers, parents, and curious naturalists! Frog activity will start to stir come the first week or two of March...
We had our last of three amphibian monitoring program kickoffs this past Saturday. This one was held at Algonkian Regional...
Earlier in October, I was reading through the digest version of the Virginia herps listserv and saw a posting that...
Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy offers many opportunities for citizens to participate in nature programs that promote the collection of important environmental data...
I went out in search of trilling toads and while they trilled away when I first found them the day before, they stayed silent throughout my podcast. Lips were sealed! The photo here is of one of them, clearly just waiting me out 🙂
Seven of us went out to Bles Park in Ashburn, Virginia on Saturday night for a fun night hike to...
So we held our first evening amphibian foray into the woods last night. The plan was to enjoy the Gray Tree...
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