Habitat Restoration in the Community
Habitat restoration projects provide an important opportunity to come together to restore and enhance the environment where we live.
Loudoun Wildlife volunteers plant native trees and shrubs, remove invasive plants, and clean up areas around streams. These projects help by providing food and shelter for wildlife, controlling pollution and erosion.
Read about current and past projects
Habitat Restoration at JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary (2019 – present)
Garlic Mustard Removal at Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park (2020 – present)
Harrison Street Pollinator Meadow Project (2018 – present)
Willowsford Riparian Buffer Planting at Broad Run (2021) and Bull Run (2022)
Volunteers in Action at Phillips Farm 2017
Tree Planting at Ida Lee Park 2011
Planting Trees and Weeding Invasives 2011
Habitat Restoration at Rust Sanctuary 2010
Rain Garden at Freedom Park 2010
Restoration at Town Branch 2009
Round Hill Purple Loose Strife 2008