Waterford, VA
April 22 and 25, 2009

To celebrate Earth Day, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and the Waterford Foundation planted 327 native trees and shrubs.
Thirty-five people, including three adults and 10 girls from Girl Scout Troop 3570, planted 243 of the 327 trees and shrubs, came out on April 22nd, leaving us in a quandary for the follow-up project on Saturday, April 25.
With about 75 people expected, including 23 boys and 17 adults from Cub Scout Pack 965 of Leesburg and a contingent from Boy Scout Troop 950, we were worried we wouldn’t have enough work for all of them.
Cub Scout Pack 965 knocked out their 84 trees and shrubs in no time, while the rest of us concentrated on removing invasive alien plants.
Boy Scout Troop 950, working with Phil Daley and Elizabeth Evan and two of her children, removed invasives along the tributary on the far western side of the farm where we planted all the trees and shrubs on Earth Day. Others of us worked on invasives near the old stone dam.
A recent visit to the site revealed that most of the 1,000 trees and shrubs that were planted on Earth Day and last year are thriving.
To ensure their continuing health, we are planning on visiting the farm every week and, if necessary, watering the plants and removing invasives around the new trees and shrubs.
Around the first of August we are going to organize a project to protect the trees and shrubs from deer, one of the greatest threats to young plants.
Susan Abraham Dale Ball Benjamin Bean Jeff Bean Joe Coleman Karen Coleman Bill Cour Phil Daley Elizabeth Evans Emma Evans Hanna Evans Rocky Fera Ellie Florance Fred Fox Alice Glass John Glass Terry Glass |
Margaret Good Norm Gresley Rob Hale Nicole Hamilton Bill HunleyCaroline McCarry Nan McCarry Will McCarry Alex McKenna Steve McKenna Frank McLaughlin Paul Miller Andrew Muilenburg Mathew Muilenburg Sheri Muilenburg Tony Muilenburg Eric Peterson Terry Rowe |
Bob Shuey Karen Strick Hollister Vea Julia Vea Mimi Westervelt Casey Wohlfeil Jeff Wolinski Girl Scout Troop 3570 Hannah Brewington Stacy Dec Janice Dec Maggie Duke Christine Hessinger Dana Hessinger Laurie Owens Jordan Shorey |
Morgan Simmons Emily Snyder Julie Stanford Abbey Taylor Boy Scout Troop 950 Nick Carr Elizabeth Carr Shawn Carr Sierra Carr David Hessler Paul Hessler Cindy Pitman Cody Pitman Cub Scout Pack 96523 boys and 17 adults |