Join us Sunday, June 7, from 3:00 to 4:45 pm for our Virtual Annual Meeting!
We will be coming to you LIVE and commercial free from the comfort of our homes to yours via GoTo Meeting. You will have the choice to attend using your electronic device (cell phone, tablet, or computer) to stream video or call in using audio on your phone.
Do not miss the opportunity to participate in our first ever virtual Annual Meeting. The format may be different, but we will still have updates on our organization (We’re celebrating our 25th anniversary!), Volunteer of the Year awards, and a special presentation from wildlife biologist Sam Droege on bee conservation.
The Conservation of Bees Is Not the Same as the Conservation of Birds
Presented by Sam Droege, Wildlife Biologist
Native bees are small and abundant: 450+ species in Virginia and approximately 500 billion individuals. They feed only on flowers. Some feed only on one species of flower. To “Save the Bees” you must “Save the Flowers.” Sam will talk about bringing a diversity of native flowers back into landscapes, both your yard and municipalities, and the bees will follow .
Agenda for the Annual Meeting
3:00 pm Social Half-Hour with Slideshow Highlighting the Past Year
3:30 pm Business Meeting – Call to Order and Welcome – Julie Borneman
3:35 pm Treasurer’s Report – Michael Sciortino
3:40 pm Special Acknowledgements – Julie Borneman
3:45 pm Volunteer of the Year Awards – Julie Borneman
3:50 pm State of the Organization – Julie Borneman
3:55 pm Adjournment of Business Meeting
4:00 pm Keynote Speaker – Sam Droege, “The Conservation of Bees Is Not the Same as the Conservation of Birds”
4:45 pm Adjournment
We look forward to having you join us for this historic virtual event to help us celebrate our accomplishments from the past year. We wish we could gather in person! We hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy during these times, and we look forward to seeing you in person in the coming months.
Thank you for your continuing support of Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy!