A total of 14 birders led by Jane Yocom and Dori Rhodes spent a few lovely hours walking through Banshee Reeks this past Saturday, May 12. Highlights of the walk included good looks at Blue Grosbeak, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Swainson’s Thrush, Red-eyed Vireos, many Indigo Buntings and Baltimore Orioles. Several good heard-only or poorly seen birds included Nashville Warbler, Yellow-breasted Chat, Yellow-throated Vireo, Black-throated Green Warbler, and Blackpoll Warbler. A few of us heard (only) what we IDed as an Alder Flycatcher – please check out the recordings attached to the checklist and feel free to weigh in on this rarity.
The 2nd Saturday of the month Banshee Reeks walk is free and open to anyone. It is sponsored by The Friends of Banshee Reeksand Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy. Other programs and events can be found on their websites.
Bryan Henson
Sat May 12, 2018 7:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
Party Size: 14
Duration: 3 hours, 16 minutes
Distance: 2.5 miles
5 Canada Goose
1 Great Blue Heron

Green Heron
photo by Michael Sciortino
1 Green Heron
2 Turkey Vulture
1 Sharp-shinned/Cooper’s Jawl
4 Red-shouldered Hawk
1 hawk sp.
2 Rock Pigeon (feral pigeon)
3 Mourning Dove
2 Yellow-billed Cuckoo
2 Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Photo by Michael Sciortino
1 Belted Kingfisher
2 Red-headed Woodpecker
3 Red-bellied Woodpecker
3 Downy Woodpecker
2 Pileated Woodpecker
2 Easter Wood-Peewee
2 Acadian Flycatcher
1 Alder Flycatcher (heard)
1 Eastern Phoebe
4 Great Crested Flycatcher

Eastern Kingbird
Photo by Michael Sciortino
6 Eastern Kingbird
1 White-eyed Vireo
1 Yellow-throated Vireo
6 Red-Eyed Vireo
6 Blue Jay
3 American Crow
3 crow sp.
9 Tree Swallow
4 Carolina Chickadee
1 Tufted Titmouse

Tree Swallows
Photo by Michael Sciortino
2 White-breasted Nuthatch
3 Carolina Wren
9 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
4 Eastern Bluebird
1 Swainson’s Thrush
3 Wood Thrush
6 American Robin
4 Gray Catbird
2 Northern Mockingbird
4 European Starling

Swainson’s Thrush
Photo by Michael Sciortino
4 Cedar Waxwing
1 Nashville Warbler
10 Common Yellowthroat
4 American Redstart
2 Northern Parula
2 Chestnut-sided Warbler
1 Blackpoll Warbler
2 Black-throated Blue Warbler
7 Prairie Warbler
1 Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Chipping Sparrow
6 Field Sparrow
1 Song Sparrow
8 Eastern Towhee
3 Yellow-breasted Chat
1 Scarlet Tanager
9 Northern Cardinal
1 Blue Grosbeak
5 Orchard Oriole
3 Baltimore Oriole
1 Red-winged Blackbird
2 Brown-headed Cowbird
1 Common Grackle
8 American Goldfinch
Additional species seen by Mary Ann Good
1 Wood Duck
1 Magnolia Warbler
1 White-throated Sparrow