A Great Place

Banshee Reeks, located in Leesburg, Virginia, was established as a nature preserve in 1999. The preserve is 725-acres with a variety of nature trails that are great for birding or just observing nature. Primitive camping is provided by permit to organized groups. Pets must be leashed at all times.
It has a great diversity of habitats ranging from wetlands and ponds to mixed hardwood forests of oak and hickory to wonderful meadows laden with milkweed, goldenrod and thistle. Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and its members played an important role in establishing Banshee as a passive preserve, home to wildlife and refuge for all.

The Friends of Banshee Reeks, started by our own Joe Coleman, supports the preserve through volunteers who take on projects to improve facilities and maintain the trails.
Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy holds field trips and programs at Banshee Reeks throughout the year. We also maintain a bluebird nestbox trail that serves as home for bluebirds, tree swallows and bats.
You can read our field trip reports about our walks at Banshee here.
Banshee Reeks is part of the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail.
When to Visit
Hours: Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve is now open Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday-Thursday (closed Mondays, Fridays and county holidays). Seasonal hours of operation:
November through February: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
March AND October: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
April through September: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Visitor Center has a staff member present during open hours, which are one hour after the preserve’s opening to one hour prior to closing. The center has a number of exhibits on local flora and fauna, including native pollinators, as well as on the local history and archaeology.
The third Saturday of the month is a volunteer day, when anyone is welcome to come help out with specific projects.
There is a restroom inside the center and a port-o-jon outside.
Driving directions: Banshee Reeks is located at 21085 The Woods Road, Leesburg.

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