High School Environmental Science Teacher and birder, Nick Newberry, presents the basics of finding and identifying warblers and other spring migrants to young birders and those new to birding. He discusses: habitat; bird watching techniques; migration; identification resources; field marks for identification; how best to use the Merlin app; digibinning and lighting; birder identities; social media accounts; and, call-to-action organizations.
Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy offers many walks and programs to learn about birds and birding. The Young Birding Program offers walks just for young birders. From April 20 to May 19, there are Celebrate Birds walks and programs and the Birdathon.
Some of the other resources Nick mentioned in his presentation are listed below.
Transbirders Club on Twitter and Instagram
Feminist Bird Club
In Color Birding Club
LifeList: A Birding Podcast
American Bird Conservancy
Sunrise Movement