Six hardy birders came out on a rainy, windy morning at Broad Run Stream Valley Park for a bird walk led by Bryan Henson. Fortunately, the wind wasn’t as strong as expected and the rain petered out by the end of the walk. Our walk started off with a bit of a mystery. We heard a song that none of us none of us could identify with certainty. We made some recordings and will consult others to try to figure out what bird we heard — perhaps a Marsh or Sedge Wren? Either way, it would be a good find. As we continued our walk, we found many of our common winter species including Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, White-throated Sparrow, Red-bellied Woodpecker and many Song Sparrows. As we proceeded to the pond on the west side of the park, we found White-crowned Sparrows and some waterfowl: Bufflehead and Hooded Mergansers. As we walked away from the pond, we heard a couple of Horned Larks and spotted them flying away. All told, a pretty good list of over 30 bird species, and we all were happy we didn’t stay home.
Mystery Bird Heard at Broad Run Stream Valley Park
The complete list of birds can be viewed on eBird at: S123382276