Red-headed Woodpecker.
Photo by Leena McCluney
A larger than usual group of 18 people showed up for the April 28 Celebrate Birds walk at Goodstone Inn. Led by Scott Harris and Peter Lyttle, it was an excellent walk. Since migration is just getting underway, we were treated to many first-of-season arrivals, including: Indigo Buntings, Northern Parulas, Louisiana Waterthrushes, Wood Thrushes, Common Yellowthroats, Scarlet Tanagers and Baltimore Orioles. We were also treated to an immature Bald Eagle. Overall, we saw 55 species, which is quite a productive day. The complete list of species can be viewed on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S170741736. Goodstone Inn is always a good place to visit during spring migration.
For other Celebrate Birds events see Celebrate Birds, Go Birding 2024.

Solitary Sandpiper.
Photo by Leena McCluney