Colette Berrebi at her stream site on the Black Branch. Photo by Amy Ulland
A lovely section of Black Branch Creek, which flows directly into the Goose Creek, provided the setting for yet another stream health survey by Loudoun Wildlife Stream Team members on May 1. Certified monitors Amy Ulland and Emma Lloyd led a team of five other volunteers at the stream, which is located on Wildlife Conservancy Board Member Colette Berrebi’s property.
The stream received a health score rating of 6 out of 12, indicating unacceptable ecological conditions. Out of the 387 macros collected, 245 were Midges. Midges are generally tolerant of pollution, and an overabundance of them in a sample can indicate the presence of some kind of pollution in the area.
Participants enjoyed taking a closer look at the macros through the Magiscope and got to see the underside of a Water Penny. Other cool critters collected by the team included a decent number of Riffle Beetles, a handful of Mayflies, and a few Dragonfly larvae.

Stream Team volunteers carefully hunt for macros amongst the debris collected from a stream sample.
Photo by Amy Ulland

Participants enjoyed seeing the underside of a Water Penny up close through the Magiscope.
Photo by Amy Ulland.