Saturday, August 3
It’s time for Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s 17th Annual Butterfly Count.
Come and have fun while contributing to butterfly conservation. You will visit locations that include butterfly gardens, sanctuaries, roadside wildflower areas and parks. Teams will start at either 8:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m. Participate for a few hours or do a full day!
We typically count over 2,000 butterflies in this single day and spot as many as 50 species. Our count circle stretches from White’s Ferry in the east to the Appalachian Trail and the Blue Ridge Center in the west and south to Lincoln.
No experience necessary, all ages welcome – you will be teamed with experienced leaders.
There’s a $3 fee per adult that we pass through to the North American Butterfly Association. This fee is waived for Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy members as a member benefit. No fee for those under 18. Rain date is August 4th.
Registration Required: Sign Up Online or contact Nicole Hamilton at