Here’s one of the latest Monarch Waystations that was just created here in Loudoun! What a wonderful design!
On Saturday, June 22nd, Paxton staff and volunteers from our community created a butterfly-shaped Monarch Waystation. * The time series of photos show the steps taken to create our garden.
With generous donations of native plants (milkweed and nectar plants for Monarchs and other pollinators) from Earth Sangha and Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy; advice and plants from Ann Garvey of the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s program on habitat restoration; and the hard work and determination of 15 creative and enthusiastic volunteers, we were able to create a beautiful garden. We want to thank you all for the support!
This garden will not only help host the Monarchs through this leg of their journey, it will also serve to bring a natural sensory experience to our students, both at Open Door Learning Center, our pre-school and kindergarten program; as well as students from The Aurora School, our school for children and young adults with autism and other related disabilities.
View the full photo album which shows start to finish the steps involved with creating this wonderful waystation!