We kicked off the Loudoun County Bird Atlas project in 2009 and will have it complete by 2013.
Since our kickoff, 76 enthusiastic atlasers have spent 3,920 hours in the field documenting 39,860 sightings! You can view our data here.
Volunteers have recorded 238 species in Loudoun, with 100 of these species having a confirmed nesting status.
Field cards have been reported for 49 blocks and 12 blocks are considered complete (though sightings can still be reported). The blown up view of the atlas blocks from the right can be seen here. Green signifies that a block is complete, while red and orange signify little coverage. Yellow blocks are almost complete.
This is great progress, but as you can see in the image to the right, we have a ways to go.
If you have experience identifying birds, please reach out to our Bird Atlas coordinator, Spring Ligi (sligi@loudounwildlife.org) and she will provide you with Bird Atlas training. It’s easy!
You can learn more about our Bird Atlas project here or get a quick summary by checking out Bird Atlasing in a Nutshell.
Bird atlasing is a great way to really get to know your local species and habitat and it will provide us with a much needed benchmark on the Birds of Loudoun!