Now I’m not talking about a physical white M like a billboard or a sign or anything……nope….I’m talking about a neat little butterfly called a White M Hairstreak that as caterpillars feeds on oaks as it’s host plant.
While it would seem like we should have this butterfly around rather commonly, the sighting this past week is only second we’ve had in 10 years!
It was found on our bird walk that took place last week at Morven Park in Leesburg (yes, sometimes eyes wander and we get distracted by other cool things when we go out into nature :). Ten years ago when we had our first sighting, it was in this same area I believe so that’s an interesting correlation.
The White M was first spotted by Jenny Vick and Sheryl Pollock took this great photo. This would have been a lifer for most of us! Very exciting sighting!