White-eyed Vireo.
Photo by Bruce Hill
Nineteen people showed up for an amazing bird walk on April 28 at the Loudoun County Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America.
Over the past couple weeks our summer residents, and spring visitors who pass through on their way north, have been slowly arriving in our area. Migration was predicted to be good Saturday night into Sunday, but it was much better than we expected. On Sunday morning at Izaak Walton League, the trees were full of singing birds! It was foggy when the walk began and a little difficult to ID birds that were in the tops of the trees, but walk participants had fun learning to use the Merlin App to help decipher the cacophony of bird songs.
Some highlights of the walk were 14 species of warbler, multiple Baltimore Orioles in the same tree, and great looks at Scarlet Tanagers, White-eyed Vireos, and an Osprey that cruised by twice then perched for us. We had a total of 65 species and added four new species for this location.
You can see the complete list of birds on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S170735940.