Eager Walk for Wildlife participants visited JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary on October 1 looking for any and all critters and plants to record. During our two and half hour walk, we found all manner of bees, wasps, butterflies, flies, plants (native and invasive) and a few birds. As we toured the property, we found that the large groups of goldenrod provided many opportunities for recording them in iNaturalist. Highlights of the walk included the handsome Locust Borer Beetle, scorpionflies and a sharpshooter. Wonderful weather and the thrill of discovery made the walk enjoyable for all. We hope you’ll join Walk for Wildlife during the month of October. It’s a great way to explore nature as a team and contribute to citizen science to help better understand the nature around us.
To protect the environmentally sensitive habitat and rare species, JK Black Oak Wildlife Sanctuary is not open for general public access. Access is provided during nature walks like this one, monthly work days and citizen science surveys.