White M Hairstreak butterfly,
Photo by Larry Meade
In preparation for the Annual Butterfly Count, Anne Ellis and Larry Meade led 32 nature lovers on a butterfly walk at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve on August 1. The day started out a bit cool for butterflies, but we did see some of our favorites and one special butterfly.
We strolled around the short Raspberry loop behind the Education Annex, then along the Greenway to scout the pollinator garden, and turned just before the fenced-in vegetable garden to check around the savannah area. Finally we went back to the vegetable garden and around and down the other side of the pollinator garden to the Visitors Center. We spotted 15 species of butterflies and spectacular Catalpa Hornworms, the caterpillar of the Catalpa Sphinx Moth. The last butterfly we saw, by the Education Annex, was a rare White M Hairstreak (Parrhasius m-album).

Hackberry Emperor on a participant’s hat.
Photo by Larry Meade
Species List:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail: 5
Spicebush Swallowtail: 1
Cabbage White: 1
Eastern Tailed Blue: 4
Summer Azure: 1
White M Hairstreak: 1
Silvery Checkerspot: 8
Pearl Crescent: 3
Hackberry Emperor: 3
Monarch: 4
Silver Spotted Skipper: 1
Least Skipper: 1
Peck’s Skipper: 5
Sachem: 3
Zabulon Skipper: 3