Photo by Allison Gallo
One June 10 and 11, 20 dragonfly enthusiasts visited Morven Park and then Bles Park in search of dragonflies and damselflies. Between the two walks, the groups found 20 Odonata species as we talked about their anatomy, lifecycle, identification and behavior. Walk leaders Bryan Henson and Allison Gallo also talked about a couple of resources available to learn more about these beautiful insects in Loudoun County: Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s dragonfly checklist; our introductory video Dragonflies and Damselflies of Loudoun County; and Northern Virginia Dragonflies and Damselflies: A Field Guide by Robert R. Blakney.
Dragonfly walks take place each year, so be sure to check the online calendar for upcoming walks.
Species List
Dragonflies (9):
Carolina Saddlebags
Unicorn Clubtail
Eastern Pondhawk
Common Whitetail
Blue Dasher
Common Green Darner
Slaty Skimmer
Spangled Skimmer
Black Saddlebags

Amber-winged Spreadwing damselfly.
Photo by Bryan Henson
Damselflies (11):
Southern Spreadwing
Ebony Jewelwing
Blue-fronted Dancer
Blue-ringed Dancer
Powdered Dancer
Amber-winged Spreadwing
Familiar Bluet
Skimming Bluet
Azure Bluet
Variable Dancer
Eastern Forktail