Sue has been a Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy member since 2015 and received our Audubon At Home Wildlife Sanctuary certification in 2017. She volunteers at plant sales and with the Butterfly Count as well as monitoring bluebird nest boxes on the trail at Tuscarora High School. Sue was instrumental in leading this year’s month-long project to remove garlic mustard from the stands of Virginia bluebells at Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park.
Sue loves to start the day sipping coffee in her backyard. She says, “It allows me to check out everything. I love to look at nature – birds and my garden and flowers. Feels very Zen there. It’s quiet and calm.” She added, “If I can’t be at the beach in the early morning, then sitting among the bluebells at Ball’s Bluff is another favorite spot.”
Thank you Sue for helping Loudoun Wildlife create a place where people and wildlife thrive together!