You may remember the posting we did on the Unison Battlefield this past April:
This location has some wonderful wildlife habitat and Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy was one of the organizations that supported its establishment as a historic district.
Here is the good news from last Thursday, Sept 22:
Today the 8000 acre Unison Battlefield Historic District was officially approved for listing on the Virginia Landmarks Register and recommended for listing on the US National Register.
At a joint meeting of the State Review Board and the Historic Resources Board the board members and DHR staff took particular notice of the important historic value of this district, and of the particularly pristine landscape, containing over 100 contributing historic structures.
As you all know this is a key landmark in the five year effort to gain recognition for this very special place in Loudoun County. While this listing and the expected future listing on the National Register do not impose any restrictions on landowners, they do provide a powerful incentive to protect and preserve this landscape and the historic buildings, farms and roads within it. Over 50% of this historic area is already in conservation easement and we look forward to protecting more.
Thank you all for your support for this important project.
The Unison Preservation Society