Photo by Linda Burton
Four participants joined leader Nancy Morgan for the Nature Journaling program at Morven Park on May 15. Using the writing of poets and naturalists as our guide, we reviewed scientifically-supported studies of the health benefits of expressive writing (recording thoughts and feelings) while moving through natural surroundings. Morven Park provides a variety of environments that stimulate all the senses and generate writing ideas. Our movement from Gate House to stream to bridge to meadow and back over the hour and a half was very gradual and individually paced, making it perfectly suited for those with limited mobility.
Whether documenting in scientific detail, creating a narrative, writing a poem, making a list or conjuring metaphors, we renewed our relationship to nature with written expression as full-throated as the bluebirds sweeping around us. The variety of written responses attests to each person’s unique perspective, and the sharing deepens our sense of community to the environment and one another.