A Great Place
Rust Sanctuary is 68 acres of diverse habitat right in the heart of Leesburg. With wonderful walking trail that have nice sitting benches, you can do some birding, nature exploration, photography, journaling and more.
The walking trails run through forests and meadows and down to a large pond where you can enjoy the banjo calls of Green frogs, the peeps of Spring Peepers, and wonderful calls of other amphibians.
Picnic tables are available near the Manor House and you can enjoy a stroll through the gardens that surround the house. A pollinator garden near the Manor House is a great place to spot a variety of butterflies and bees.
In addition to leading various habitat restoration projects at Rust, we use the facilities for a number of our Loudoun Wildlife nature programs.
Our volunteers also maintain the bluebird nestbox trail which attracts both bluebirds and tree swallows.
Rust Nature Sanctuary is part of the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail.
Because it is so accessible, this is a particularly great place for beginning birders and naturalists who want to wade into nature exploration.
When to Visit
Hours: The grounds and trails are open to the public every day from dawn to dusk. You can download the trail map here.
Rust Nature Sanctuary is a partnership of the Audubon Naturalist Society and the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority. Questions, contact: rust@nvrpa.org 703/669-0755
Facilities: Picnic Tables are available at all times.
Driving directions: 802 Childrens Center Rd, Leesburg.
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