Black Widow Spider.
Photo by Jim McWalters
Spectacular weather greeted the 10 people who joined Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for the first Walk for Wildlife nature walk, which took place at Morven Park on October 5. We hiked the Ridge Top Trail, in part to celebrate 10 years since these trails were established (with the help of Loudoun Wildlife). Despite recent rains, the wooded trail was mostly dry, as were the vernal pools along the trail. Bird sightings were few, but we could hear the call of a Pileated Woodpecker from time to time. White asters, Striped Wintergreen and Bottlebrush Grass found along the path added to the serenity of the walk.
Along the way the group observed various species of native and nonnative trees and shrubs including: American Beech, Norway Maple, Sycamore, Tulip Poplar, Paw Paws, Red Spruce, Boxwood and American Holly to name just a few. The fungi we saw included Lion’s Mane, Yellow Fairy Cups, Ringless Honey Mushroom and White Cheese Polypore. We even saw a Black Widow Spider! As we concluded our walk, an Eastern Box Turtle greeted us below a small bridge.