Golden-crowned Kinglet.
Photo by Michael Sciortino
Four curious and eager birders joined leaders Jane Yocom and Mary Ann Good at Banshee Reeks on a beautiful, chilly-to-warm morning for the October monthly walk. We were treated to several flocks of small, fidgety birds moving quickly through the foliage to glean small insects or seeds before moving on. We found many Eastern Phoebes, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Golden-crowned Kinglets and a few Cedar Waxwings along with a Blue-headed Vireo, Brown Creeper, Swamp Sparrow and Palm Warbler. We decided that the thrush we saw on the Cathedral Trail was a Swainson’s, and near the Goose Creek heard the “chup, chup” of a Hermit Thrush. At the pond was the noisy Belted Kingfisher, and an immature Bald Eagle made two appearances overhead. Probably 90 percent of the birds we saw were American Robins!
The complete list of birds seen during the walk can be viewed on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S198623457.
The monthly walk at Banshee Reeks Nature Preserve takes place on the second Saturday of each month (except December). All are welcome to join, and registration is through the online event calendar.