Each year Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy conducts over 50 Eagle Cam classroom chat sessions reaching approximately 1,870 students of all ages. These sessions offer students the opportunity to get their questions answered by volunteers that work with the Eagle Cam Program. Here’s what teachers are saying about this experience.
Thank you SO much for the zoom interaction with the 4 incredible educators/speakers! The kids did not stop talking about it! It was very impactful, especially after following the activity in the nest for the last few months! It was such a wonderful interactive experience that we all are so grateful for!
Thank you for meeting with my kindergarten class to answer our Eagle questions! My students may be young, and English isn’t the first language for many of my students, but they sure are curious about the world around them! Our class created a project with our questions and your answers, to display in our hallway. We had visits today from 2nd grade and 4th grade classes, who were looking for my kindergarten class to answer their Eagle questions. It was an awesome experience for my little people to become the experts.
Thank you so much for making the Google Meet possible to allow our students to learn
more about the Dulles Greenway eagles and to talk firsthand to eagle experts. It was exciting
and fun!