On November 5, a group of excited six-year-old Girl Scouts in Ashburn working on an endangered animals badge met with Lynn Lothman, a volunteer with Loudoun Wildlife’s Youth and Family Program. Together they discussed some of the animals in Loudoun County that are endangered because of loss of habitat, changes in their habitats, and how we can all help. We can all care about wild animals, speak up for them when we are called upon, be a familiar friend to nature, and be good examples of how easy it is to reduce, recycle, and reuse things that clutter up our environment and effect the habitats of the wild animals that live here.
They also heard the true story about a six-year-old girl in another country who saved an entire family of elephants from demise. Because the little girl was unafraid to speak up for the elephants and wanted to be a part of the solution with new ideas, the elephants were saved and relocated to another part of the jungle where their habitat was untouched. Together, we can do this!