How long have you volunteered with Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy (LWC) and how did you hear about us?

Jenny Erickson
Jenny has been volunteering with Loudoun Wildlife for almost three years. She heard about LWC by attending a native plant sale at Morven Park. Jenny was looking for native plants that would grow on her deck and visited the various LWC information tables.
What opportunities have you volunteered for/are signed up for?
Jenny has participated in bluebird monitoring, stream monitoring and butterfly counts. Jenny is the LWC coordinator for the Amphibian Monitoring Program. In January, Jenny presented a program on identifying frogs and toads in Loudoun in preparation for upcoming Frog Watch volunteer citizen science surveys.
What is your favorite natural area in Loudoun County?
Jenny’s favorite natural area is her property in northwestern Loudoun. She feels “we are fortunate to live surrounded by hundreds of acres of undeveloped land. This unfractured land gives us a wide variety of wildlife either passing through or taking up residence on our property.”
Jenny’s favorite public area is Bles Park because “It has a wide variety of habitats from fields/meadows to marshlands, streams and the Potomac river. There is always something new happening whenever I go.”