The fate of Loudoun County is at a critical juncture – YOUR Voice is Needed Now!!!
As County staff craft a new comprehensive plan that will guide land use policies through the next 20 years and beyond, the building industry is advocating for development-friendly policies that could potentially put our forests, streams, meadows and wetlands at risk of being fragmented and/or lost forever.
It is crucial for your voice to be heard in support of the conservation and restoration of our natural lands and waters, and it is easy:
Go to the Envision Loudoun website to review and weigh in on the proposed vision, goals, and objectives.
Question #1- request that the following language be added to each of the existing objectives:
Goal: Sustain, objective #1: Identify, map, protect and enhance a nonfragmented network of forests, streams, fields, steep slopes and wetlands.
Goal: Sustain, objective #2: Provide means such as conservation easements, property development rights, CIP funding and county land acquisition as tools to preserve environmental resources into perpetuity.
Goal: Sustain, objective #5: Implement a monitoring and maintenance program for watersheds, to include the identification and preservation of forests, fields, wetlands and slopes that filter and retain water.
Goal: Sustain, objective #6: Improve air quality through tree preservation, native tree planting and landscaping practices. Measure current levels of CO2 emissions and establish goals, timeframes and means for reduction.
Goal: Sustain, objective #7: Quantify and inventory energy use, and set goals to reduce consumption by implementing updated building codes and providing incentives for energy conserving resources such as window and insulation choices, rooftop solar and effective landscaping.
Question #2- If development or redevelopment occurs, we want forests, streams, meadows and wetlands protected and connected in perpetuity to ensure sufficient and high quality habitats, water quality, ,flood and drought mitigation and energy conservation.
Please click on Envision Loudoun by July 12, and take a few minutes to give the county your input.
Thank you!