A Great Place

Bles Park closed on June 24, 2024 for approximately one year while extensive construction projects are underway.
Bles Park, located in Ashburn, Virginia, is a 124-acre park that includes 94 acres of passive park land with walking, birding and hiking trails.
Trails run along fields, wetlands and a stream, offering a nice diversity of species. In the spring and summer you can hear Cricket frogs, Pickerel frogs, and Gray Tree Frogs calling.
Bles is a great place to see a variety of migratory song birds as well as those summer warblers that nest here. Beautiful wildflowers bring in a great diversity of butterflies and dragonflies and damselflies hunt the stream edges and fields.
Learn more about Bles Park by checking out our article from the Habitat Herald: Suburban Bles Park Offers a Welcome Retreat
Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy conducts periodic bird walks and butterfly and dragonfly walks at Bles Park as well as general nature walks. Check our Events Calendar for upcoming walks.
When to Visit
Hours: Open daily, dawn to dusk
Facilities: Tot lot, parking area, restrooms and porta johns
Driving directions: Bles Park is located at 44830 Riverside Parkway in the University Center development of Ashburn. From Route 7, take the Loudoun County Parkway exit, turn right onto George Washington Blvd., turn left onto Riverside Parkway and follow to Bles Park.

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