It was September, 1969 when Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin announced that in the spring of 1970, there would be grassroots demonstrations across the country to raise awareness for the widespread degradation of our eco-systems and the need to turn that around.
Then, as promised that following spring, on April 22, there were environmental teach-ins across the country and over 20 million people participated.
Forty years later, Earth Day continues to be recognized and celebrated on April 22 and today over 500 million people in 175 different countries join in the celebration. And while really every day is earth day, it’s great to pause on this one day and truly take stock of where we are with the health of our planet and where we’re going.
I was first introduced to the idea of Earth Day when I was in college in the ’80s. There was a cool t-shirt (which yes, I still have…in spite of a stain or two) and fun activities across campus, but from my vantage point today, the idea of Earth Day was still just a murmur back then.
Today, there are Earth Day and Green Living events that take place in towns across our area and more people are aware and plugged in to it. And this is how we change – we become aware, we tell others, we embrace new ways of thinking of doing. Change happens slowly but every journey begins with a single step.
So let’s raise our glasses, put our hands together and celebrate our great earth with all her diversity of species! Wish friends and family a Happy Earth Day and talk about our environment. And as we’re talking, let’s also show and do….Let’s take steps that we can make – both great and small – to restore our habitats, clean up our pollution, change our ways so we tread more lightly. Let’s make sure that we have done everything we can to have and ensure a healthy ecosystem, because we’re all part of this system.
One Planet, One Future, right?