The August 18 bird walk at Algonkian Park started with a misty rain and lots of cloud cover. Fortunately, the rain stopped, although the clouds didn’t let up. The group of 22 birders found many of the expected late summer birds, including Eastern Kingbirds, Double-crested Cormorants, Great Egrets and Great Blue Herons. As we slipped into the woods, we chased after Carolina Chickadees and Tufted Titmouses hoping they would lead us to some migratory warblers. Our first couple of titmouse chases ended with little more than some Red-bellied Woodpeckers and Eastern Wood-Pewees. But eventually we found a few flocks of migrants revealing to us beautiful American Redstarts, a Black-and-white Warbler, a Yellow Warbler and brief looks at a furtive Canada Warbler. By the end of our walk, we had tallied up 43 different species of birds and enjoyed a nice, mildly muddy walk in the woods.
The walk was led by Allison Gallo, Bryan Henson, Joe Coleman, Patrick Lewis and Scott Harris. The complete species list can be viewed on eBird at: