Inspired by the Birdathon, ecology students at Loudoun School for Advanced Studies spent a class period finding and identifying birds. The students (Remy, Zoe, Abi, Noah and their teacher, Ms. Gam) called themselves The Bronchial Bluejays and took to the streets on May 18th during their 1.5 hour class period.

Photo by Ashley Gam
The group drove out to Loudoun Water and then wrapped on the school property. Our goal was to find 10 species, but we were able to identify 13 species. This was the first time the students have participated (unofficially) in the Birdathon, and a first-time birding for one student. Several species observed were exciting first-time identifications.
Highlights include include: properly using a pair of binoculars; identifying and watching the flight patterns of tree swallows at Loudoun Water; seeing a mockingbird for the first time; and seeing a sleepy juvenile bluebird ,who we could all identify with.
Species List
Canadian Goose
American Robin
Common Raven
Red-winged blackbird
Eastern Bluebird
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Turkey vulture
Brewer’s Blackbird
European Starling
Morning Dove
Northern Mockingbird