On a chilly January morning, an impressively large and hardy gaggle of 41 birders braved the elements to identify birds (and one Fox Squirrel) during the monthly Banshee Reeks bird walk. Breaking into three groups allowed us to cover more ground and get good looks for everyone when something interesting popped into view. Though the overcast and blustery conditions were not ideal, the birding was steady and satisfying.
Things began with a pair of Tundra Swans spotted in flight right before the 8:00 am start to the walk, and ended with an immature White-crowned Sparrow visiting the Visitor Center’s feeders. In between were flyovers by various waterfowl, crows, eagles and hawks; and appearances by White-throated, Song and Field Sparrows, Carolina and Winter Wrens, Ruby and Golden-crowned Kinglets, and six species of woodpecker. They kept everyone’s attention focused on their binoculars instead of the biting wind. The final combined total of 44 species was a pleasant surprise and a good tally for a mid-winter day in Loudoun.
Combined Species List
1. Canada Goose 26
2. Trumpeter Swan 2
3. Mallard 20
4. Common Merganser 6
5. American Black Duck 1
6. duck sp. 4
7. Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 35
8. Mourning Dove 26
9. Black Vulture 4
10. Turkey Vulture 6
11. Coopers Hawk 2
12. Bald Eagle 3
13. Red-shouldered Hawk 2
14. Red-tailed Hawk 4
15. Belted Kingfisher 1
16. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 6
17. Red-bellied Woodpecker 8
18. Downy Woodpecker 5
19. Hairy Woodpecker 5
20. Pileated Woodpecker 5
21. Northern Flicker 4
22. Blue Jay 16
23. American Crow 16
24. Fish Crow 2
25. Carolina Chickadee 15
26. Tufted Titmouse 10
27. Ruby-crowned Kinglet 3
28. Golden-crowned Kinglet 3
29. White-breasted Nuthatch 5
30. Brown Creeper 1
31. Winter Wren 2
32. Carolina Wren 16
33. European Starling 7
34. Northern Mockingbird 5
35. Eastern Bluebird 25
36. American Robin 2
37. House Finch 15
38. American Goldfinch 13
39. Field Sparrow 10
40. Dark-eyed Junco 9
41. White-crowned Sparrow 1
42. White-throated Sparrow 207
43. Song Sparrow 33
44. Yellow-rumped Warbler 3
45. Northern Cardinal 18