Our Audubon At Home program was established in 2013. The initial team was formed under the leadership of Ann Garvey who dedicated many hours to create the program under Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, in partnership with the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia. Julie Borneman, Dori Rhodes, Carolyn Unger and Ann were the first four Ambassadors trained, and then our Loudoun County program was off and running. We are proud to say that over the last eight years our Ambassadors have certified 325 properties for a total of 4,400 land acres.
The next phase of leadership has been under Anne Owen. Anne became an Ambassador in 2016 and quickly began participating on homeowner site visits. By 2017 she took on the role of Program Coordinator. Her leadership covered many facets including training Ambassadors, presenting events to the public, writing articles for the Habitat Herald and social media, and leading site visits. Anne also worked behind the scenes with BJ Lecrone to modernize, organize and secure our records on Google Drive. We thank Anne for all her hard work. She has positioned our team for the next phase of Audubon At Home.
You can help! Here’s how:
- You can be a part of a close-knit team of Ambassadors and native plant enthusiasts that perform site visits. We will train you by pre-recorded YouTube video and take you along on site visits in the spring.
- Perhaps you would prefer educating the public on social media or via articles in the Habitat Herald.
- Maybe your calling is educating the public on the value of native plants and the wildlife that depend on them. We have presentations that you can use.
- There is also a need for presentations to schools, home schoolers, kindergarten, and scouting groups.
- Be a part of a co-management team that interacts with the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, coordinates site visits and tracks certifications.
To be part of this team, please email volunteer@loudounwildlife.org for more information. We look forward to having you join the Audubon At Home team.