How long have you volunteered with Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and how did you hear about us?

Malvika Shrimali
Malvika just started volunteering with Loudoun Wildlife this summer while on break from studying biology at William and Mary. She was looking online for environmental organizations to work with part time and found LWC. Malvia exclaims, “I’m so glad I did! Thank you so much for being a wonderful group of people to work with. I can’t wait to come back and work with you again on my college breaks!”
What opportunities have you volunteered for/are signed up for?
This summer Malvika helped cut invasive plants growing in the Harrison Street Meadow along the W&OD trail in Leesburg. She also helped with the Milkweed Sale at the Leesburg branch of the Northwest Federal Credit Union. Malvika is fluent in Spanish (and Hindi) and graciously answered our call for help in manning a booth at the Latinex Conservation Fair held at Rust Nature Sanctuary in July.
Over quarantine last year, Malvika took two-hour walks every day around her neighborhood and the surrounding woods. She learned the common birds and their various calls, and the plants and flowers that grow around her home. At the same time Malvika observed all the pollution littering the neighborhood’s entrance road. She also learned of the development occurring, and watched as areas became less and less habitable by her beloved animals. Malvika laments, “I was simultaneously infuriated and heartbroken so I spent that summer picking up neighborhood litter single-handedly.”
What is your favorite natural area in Loudoun County?
Malvika says, “My favorite natural spot in LoCo has got to be the Beaverdam Reservoir or the Bear’s Den hike!”