Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy is member of the Virginia Conservation Network. The talking points below are derived from materials produced by VCN and their members. A link for contact information is at the bottom of the page.
Support – Invasive Plant Species Study, HJ527
Patron: Bulova
- This study would allow for the exploration of options for phasing out the propagation and sale of invasive plants in Virginia’s horticultural industry.
- Virginia’s noxious weed law regulates the movement of certain plants. However, if the plant is commercially viable or commercially propagated in Virginia, it cannot be listed as a noxious weed. This allows for an invasive plant to continue to be sold even after it has been identified as harmful to the environment, economy and/or human health.
- Landowners, localities, and our state and federal government spends millions of dollars a year controlling invasive plants in Virginia. These costs will continue to grow so long as invasive plant species continue to be sold and planted in the commonwealth.