March 27 – April 3, 2020
UPDATE: A message from Executive Director, Michael Myers on Thursday, April 2nd
Welcome to Virtual Wine (& Art) for Wildlife! Thank you for joining us! Unfortunately, we’re not able to gather in-person at Sunset Hills Winery. Instead, we’re going to take you on a virtual event over the course of the next week.
Below, you will find a variety of videos that will take you on our Virtual Wine (& Art) for Wildlife journey. We will be updating this webpage throughout the week with more information about our sponsors, vendors, and artists. If you have not done so, please register for the event here, and you will receive email updates when new videos have been posted.
We were planning to host a live auction of one-of-a-kind locally painted birdhouses and other items, so our live auction has become an online auction. The online auction will close at 8:00 pm on Friday, April 3rd. You can bid on The Birdhouses of Loudoun County and other items at our online auction site: (*Note: You will have to sign in with a free log-in on the auction site to be able to bid.)
How will this work?
Each year, Wine for Wildlife is our premier spring fundraising event, providing us with the resources necessary to inspire, motivate, and engage people to protect, preserve, and restore wildlife habitat in Loudoun County.
With this global health crises looming over us, it is more important than ever to take care of our physical and mental health. Loudoun County still has some amazing places to get outside to reduce stress and relieve anxiety. But, we need to ensure more great outdoor places are protected not only for your enjoyment, but for the benefit of wildlife. That’s why we are hosting this Virtual Wine (& Art) for Wildlife.
To ensure Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy is able to continue our work to protect wildlife habitats, serve as a knowledge leader for wildlife stewardship, inspire and engage people to become involved in the natural world, and advocate for the advancement of wildlife and habitat conservation, please make a donation to Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy as you would have at Wine (& Art) for Wildlife. Your generosity will move our work forward. We can’t do this without you!
Welcome to Sunset Hills
Welcome message from our Board President, Julie Borneman
Welcome message from our Executive Director, Michael Myers
We would like to thank the Loudoun Arts Council, and all of the local artists who created beautiful and unique birdhouses for our auction. You can bid on each of these birdhouses and other items here: (Note: You have to create a free account on the auction website to be able to bid on items. There are 32 items to bid on over 2 pages on the auction website. Don’t miss out on the great items on the second page!)
Leslie Solitario
Steve Loya & Kris Loya
Pat Whittle
Penny Hauffe
Laney Oxman
Kristen Umstattd
Carmen Barros Howell
Claudia Forbes
Beth Fuller
Maggie Steinhilper
Amy Manson & Ann Andre
Lisa Zadravec
Lyndsey Pool
Kaarin Nelson
June Jewell
Hope Hanes
Anne Stine
Crystal Mills
Karen Coleman
Amie Ware
DaVinci Art Studio’s “Arts for All” program contributions:
Instructor Huyen MacMichael
Students: Tim Peterson
Stacey Sweet & Spencer Clayton collaboration
Regina Cummings & Griffin Catron collaboration
Alicia Lockwood, Tim Peterson, Elizabeth Thompson, Tara C, Josie H & Tiara Reed collaboration
Virtual Wine (& Art) for Wildlife would not be possible without the support from our sponsors. We cannot thank each of them enough for their continued support!
While we are not able to experience this event in person with you, we still want you to enjoy Virtual Wine (& Art) for Wildlife from the comfort of your home.