22 birders came out for a nice morning of birding at the BRCES in western Loudoun County on October 25th. This was the monthly walk (every fourth Saturday) sponsored by the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy. Donna Quinn and Larry Meade were the leaders.
Perhaps the most interesting bird was an Orange-crowned Warbler found near the parking lot. At first we did not get a good enough look at the bird for a positive ID, but the bird later appeared out in the open for better views.
We also found several White-crowned Sparrows, both Kinglets, several Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Dark-eyed Juncos.
Butterflies included four Monarchs, Common Buckeyes, a Common Checkered-Skipper, Cabbage Whites, and a Clouded Sulphur. The only dragonfly was an Autumn Meadowhawk.
Blue Ridge Center for Environmental Stewardship – MFF01, Loudoun,
US-VA Oct 25, 2014 8:00 AM – 10:50 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
33 species
Canada Goose 2, Great Blue Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 5, Sharp-shinned Hawk 1, Red-bellied Woodpecker 6, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 6, Downy Woodpecker 4, Northern Flicker 3, Pileated Woodpecker 1, Blue Jay 8, American Crow 14, Carolina Chickadee 20, Tufted Titmouse 14, White-breasted Nuthatch 5, House Wren 1, Carolina Wren 5, Golden-crowned Kinglet 5, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 15, Eastern Bluebird 4, American Robin 40, Northern Mockingbird 1, Cedar Waxwing 10, Orange-crowned Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 7, Field Sparrow 6, Song Sparrow 15, White-throated Sparrow 17, White-crowned Sparrow 6, Dark-eyed Junco 4, Northern Cardinal 10, House Finch 6, American Goldfinch 10, House Sparrow 8