On June 23th, Andy Rabin and Kevin Munroe led another great field trip to find and identify as many dragonflies and damselflies as they could.
The group visited Bles Park, Claude Moore Park and Willowsford.
A full list of the sightings (33 species) is below and reference of the first place they saw them during the day.
Bles Park
Claude Moore Park (CM)
Willowsford Farm (WF)
DRAGONFLIES – 23 species
Common Green Darner, Swamp Darner (WF), Unicorn Clubtail (CM), Black-shouldered Spinyleg, Lancet Clubtail (WF), Cobra Clubtail, Dragonhunter, Arrowhead Spiketail (WF), Prince Baskettail, Common Pondhawk, Spangled Skimmer, Slaty Skimmer, Widow Skimmer, Common Whitetail, Needham’s Skimmer, Twelve-spotted Skimmer, Painted Skimmer, Great Blue Skimmer, Blue Dasher, Eastern Amberwing, Autumn Meadowhawk, Carolina Saddlebags, Black Saddlebags (CM)
DAMSELFLIES – 10 species
Ebony Jewelwing (WF), Slender Spreadwing, Blue-fronted Dancer, Variable Dancer (WF), Powdered Dancer, Blue-tipped Dancer, Stream Bluet, Citrine Forktail, Fragile Forktail (WF), Eastern Forktail
Photo by Sheryl Pollock.