If you’re going to plant a large area as a Monarch Waystation, you may need seeds. Here is a good source through the Xerces Pollinator Program and Ernst Conservation Seeds.
Pollinator Conservation Seed Mixes (scroll down to the Mid-Atlantic Native Seed Mix): http://www.xerces.org/pollinator-seed/
This is the main website for Ernst Conservation Seeds: http://www.ernstseed.com/
How much seed do you need? Here’s an excerpt from the page above: “Depending on the region, and the species included in each mix, 1/4 to 1/3 lb. is required for each 1000 ft. For areas of 1/2 acre in size, 3 to 5 lb. of seed is required, and for areas of 1 acre in size, 3 to 10 lb. of seed is necessary. In general, this results in 20 to 40 seeds per square foot of planting area.”
There are the two mixes discounted through Xerces Society. When ordering you just have to let them know that you are asking for the Xerces discount. You can also ask them to add more milkweed into the mix although it might change the price a bit.