The following is from Spring Ligi, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy’s Bird Atlas Coordinator:
34 atlasers have spent 939 hours in the field documenting 10,634 sightings. They have recorded 182 species, with 90 of these species having a confirmed nesting status.
Some of the highlights to date include confirmed breeding for the Loggerhead Shrike, probable breeding for the Horned Lark, Cerulean Warbler, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and observations of 3 White Ibises and a Stilt Sandpiper.
Overall, the first breeding season seemed to go pretty well. In the upcoming months, I plan on working with Patuxent to make some minor improvements to the data entry system. I’ll also review the data collected from the 2009 nightjar/owl and miniroute surveys, making changes to and “finalizing” the protocol and forms as needed for future seasons. I also plan on consulting with the atlas advisory panel for their opinion on a few specific issues and organizing a meeting for atlasers to provide input on what seemed to work well and what can be improved for future atlas years.
1. Please take a moment to think of one or two people that may be interested in assisting with the Loudoun County Bird Atlas (either as a block owner or a helper) and pass their names along to me.
2. Please send me the names and addresses of any landowners that have given [LWC] permission to atlas on their land so I can update my records.
Spring Ligi
Loudoun County Bird Atlas Coordinator