Well our wonderful Bald Eagle pair at the Dulles Wetlands is at it again. Actually, they’ve been at it for at least the last month or so, prepping the nest, making repairs and other such courtship activities. I thought it’d be fun this year….now that we have this nature blog….to send out periodic updates so we can all share in their raising of young and the stories that ensue.
They’ve been using this next for the past few years that we’ve been watching them and they’ll continue to do so, making repairs and upgrades as needed year after year. It’s a huge nest, which you can get a feel for from looking at the photo here but later in the season, as young start hopping about, we’ll see that a nest this size is definitely needed.
So, as we start in on our eagles update, as of this post…..we think the female has not only laid the eggs but they have also hatched! She’s been staying at the nest and while she seemed like she’d rather go fly off for a bit, she is sticking around, looking into the nest once in awhile, and poking about. If she still had eggs, she’d be sitting on them non-stop so more than likely the little ones have hatched! We’ll keep an out for little heads peeking up in the coming weeks.