I received some great photos from Betty and Bill Ebert yesterday of the Pine Siskins that are in their yard simply gobbling up the thistle seeds! The photo included here was taken by Bill and it certainly shows how active they are.
I sat outside for a good while yesterday watching them myself. They’re a feisty group and they seem to have a lot to say. Watching the thistle feeder, it was easy to tell the difference between the Pine Siskins and the Goldfinches. While they’re about the same size, the Pine Siskins have a lot of streaking on their bodies. This is a bird that we only have during the winter, as they spend their breeding periods primarily up north through Canada.
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a great species account on Pine Siskins and you can also listen to their calls.
Are you seeing Pine Siskins in your yard? If so, click on the comment button above and let us know about your sightings.