Here’s a great one ….. this is straight from the field from our bird walk at BRCES last Saturday. Ray Smith sent this over and we’re interested in knowing what insect this is. Many thanks to Marcia for standing still while Ray got the shot. If you can help id this insect, please do post a comment. Here’s his note:
I was on a bird walk Saturday with the Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy and came across an unusual (at least for me) situation and was wondering if one of you could help me with an ID. Attached is a picture of a scary looking critter clasping, and either sucking the insides out of or laying eggs in another scary looking critter. The claspee appears to be a Bald-face Hornet and the claspor I do not know. Although it kind of looks like a very large fly. Can you ID the claspor? All of you are my best insect ID friends.
Also, if you know it, do you know anything about it’s natural history and what it is probably doing in the picture? Thank you.
Ray Smith