Ten hardy birders joined Loudoun Wildlife’s four walk leaders at the Dulles Greenway Wetlands on a very cold December 7 morning. Highlights of the day included looking at the Eagle nest and seeing two Bald Eagles. We spent about 15 minutes watching a perched Sharp- shinned Hawk to determine that it was not a Cooper’s Hawk. The pond was frozen over so we did not get any ducks, but we did have some interesting species including Hermit Thrushes, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebirds, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Cedar Waxwings. We also found two Fox Sparrows. They are large, chunky sparrows and are gorgeous. They have a great whistling song and are nice to hear in the winter in Northern Virginia. Altogether we had a total of 33 species.
The group walked around to Goose Creek and saw the otter run where they have a path from the wetlands to the creek. Despite the cold, it turned out to be a good day to enjoy the birds. The walk leaders were John Denice, Michael Sciortino, Scott Harris and Mike Scott. The complete list of birds found during the walk can be viewed on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S204703185.
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