Fourteen birders visited the Izaak Walton League’s (IWL) Loudoun County Chapter’s property just outside of Leesburg on September 29. This nice expanse of conserved property contains mature forest, fields and a pond. It is home to several conservation projects that IWL is working on.
The morning was overcast so the light was difficult for seeing birds, but eventually we found a wonderful fall flock of migrants. The flock of over 50 Cedar Waxwings and several species of warblers treated us to a nice show in the trees alongside the pond. We got great looks at Cape May Warblers and Magnolia Warblers. Ruby-crowned Kinglets also made their presence known with their distinctive grumble and fast-paced flittering.
The group was led by Allison Gallo and Bryan Henson and found a total of 36 species of birds. The full list can be viewed on eBird at: