The September 28 bird walk at Sweet Run State Park had a foggy, wet start with no sign of the sun until the end of the walk. Therefore, we had far fewer birds than expected (just 38 species), but the 11 participants still found the walk enjoyable.
As we were leaving the parking lot, we had a group of Cedar Waxwings, a Scarlet Tanager and two Wood Ducks that flew over. Instead of continuing into the woods, we walked past the pond and into the field hoping for better light out in the open. We did see a few Eastern Bluebirds, Eastern Phoebes, and Downy and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. When we got to the end of the field, we got quick looks at a Ruby-crowned Kinglet, and one person saw a Magnolia Warbler and a Northern Parula. The wooded area at the other side of the field was very quiet with birds. We continued down to the stream and heard a Belted Kingfisher near the bridge.
It was pretty slow going until the group got back to the field again, and the sun came out. We heard an Acadian Flycatcher, an Indigo Bunting and a Raven and saw a Red-eyed Vireo. We finished up with hearing a Common Yellowthroat and seeing a Red-shouldered Hawk fly past.
The walk was led by Anne Ellis and John Denise. The complete list of species can be viewed on eBird at: