July 27 was beautiful day for a bird walk at Sweet Run State Park with mild summer temperatures and some very interesting birds. The group of 15 birders was led by John Denice, Michael Sciortino, Peter Lyttle and Joe Coleman.
The walk started off well with a great look at a White-eyed Vireo in the first clearing just after the parking lot and hearing an Eastern Towhee. Once we reached the pond, we got great looks at two Louisiana Waterthrushes, a Prothonotary Warbler and a Green Heron. Continuing past the pond to the power cut gave us a good look at a female American Redstart. From there we walked down to the bridge and on the way got to see an Eastern Pewee, and hear a Wood Thrush and Acadian Flycatchers.
When we reached the field we saw that one of the bluebird nest boxes was filled with House Wrens. Getting back to the parking lot we see saw a few Chipping Sparrows, two Red-shouldered Hawks and a Red Tailed Hawk. We recorded 48 species in total, which can be viewed on eBird at: https://ebird.org/checklist/S189077169.
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