Great Blue Heron visits site. Photo by Amy Ulland.
On April 17, lead monitor and regional trainer Dave Manning and certified monitor Sarah Ali supervised a stream health survey of a section of the Tuscarora Creek that passes under the W&OD trail outside in Leesburg. The stream received a moderately unhealthy score of 7 out of 12, consistent with the last survey of the site in the fall of 2019.
Six Loudoun Wildlife volunteers assisted with the collection, identification, and counting of a variety of macros including many Caddisflies, quite a few Flatworms, and two enormous Hellgrammites! A Great Blue Heron also stopped by much to everyone’s delight.
Dave Manning also supervised the field training time for several volunteers who are in the process of becoming certified as stream monitors.

Loudoun Wildlife volunteers work together to collect macros for identification and tallying to determine the health of this section of the Tuscarora Creek. Photo by Amy Ulland.

Dave Manning (left) sprays the collection net with stream water to assist volunteers with finding camouflaged macros. Photo by Amy Ulland.